My birthday is the 1st day of the Month of April. The popular "April Fools Day" we joke about everything on that day and prank people for the fun of it. If you know me well that is my typical everyday life. I play too much, laugh too much and clown around even without me knowing. April means to Open it also means Spring. I guess we also know it is the beginning of the second quarter of the year.
I think about my accomplishment over the past year and also the experiences of the first quarter century of my life. In 25 years I understood relationships, friendships, Love, Family and business. I have welcomed new friends and families young and old and I have also said goodbye to loved ones. I have made friends and also let friends go. I have learnt that family isn’t just those related to us by blood but anyone who shows themselves to be there even when you thought you would be alone no matter how minute the issue is.
I have appreciated life, drew closer to God, gave chances and received chances. I have loved, listened, cried, laughed with people and even learned to say sorry when I am not wrong and always say "Thank you "no matter how little favors or gifts are just to show the gesture is appreciated.
In my 25 years, I have been impressed, humbled,
amazed, encouraged, and driven. Going forth into my next 25 years, I give
myself the following advice: take a stand against fear, start every day with a
smile, meet as many people as you can, fall in love with yourself every moment
of every day, and live every second with as much beauty as you want to see in
the world.
Happy birthday to me with love
Jibola Turo
Jibby_lee - ig fam
Jibbylee for the snapchat lovers.
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