Happy New Year Blogfam! It's a new year people! Many of us have listed our new year resolution but if I may ask how many of us truly live by our resolutions. Do you just write because people do or you really do live by your resolution . Let's say you accomplished the one you wrote for 2017 then well done💪. For me I stopped writing at the end of the year a long time ago although I usually have plans mapped in my "head" of how I would love my year to go by but Who I Be? Lol God takes the wheel and surpasses my imagination,resolutions or goals. Personally, I do believe in setting goals for my life and I work towards achieveing them daily. However, I may not get it 100% that year but I sure won't be left at where I started at the beginnng of each year. One thing you should know is that you can make resolutions or map out strategies at any point in time. First quarter, second quarter or even the last part of the year the goal is to take a bold step then achieve ev...
A beginner's guide to cooking,fashion and a little bit of lifestyle......